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Legal Law

Socialism is only viable in small societies and towns with homogeneous populations

Not all, but a good number of Democrats in the US are really socialists, especially in their way of thinking. Although most deny it because “socialism” has been a dirty word ever since Hitler and Mussolini came to power and caused World War II, still these Democrats are practicing socialism and their political leaders have come up with a series of policies and passed many laws that shed some light on their true intentions.

Can socialism work in the United States?

Socialism may work in the United States in the short term, but keep in mind that we are now practicing socialism in our nation in many respects and time is almost up. Just look at the national debt, class war politics, anti-union backlash, and the rise of the Tea Party here: Socialism is lost, and I say bon voyage.

Can socialism ever work?

Sure, it can work in a small homogeneous population, which is on the same page: same religion, same values, same culture, and a small population, as long as everything stays that way.

A small village or a small Banana or Oil Republic nation-state could function as a socialist country, but only as long as the income from production is maintained. In other words, as long as they don’t run out of bananas or oil to sell, and as long as there is a buyer elsewhere to provide the massive inflows of money or traded goods that are needed.

Socialism will most likely work best in a small town where everyone is equal, with the same needs and desires, and strong leadership to keep everyone in check.

Personally, it is not a place where I would like to live, but each one with his own. There have been some northern European nations that have done well under socialism, but are now failing because of the influx of immigrants and the crushing legacy costs they promised their retirees. All of these nations will fail, and the more immigrants from a different culture they allow into their society, the faster they will fall.

Many of these nations believe that if they bring in new immigrants to become their new workforce, there will be more people contributing to the system to pay for pensions for all retirees. That’s not going to happen because as new immigrants begin to see that they don’t really have to work as hard to collect government benefits, they too will learn those bad habits.

That is what is happening now. Should anyone be surprised?

No, not really because socialism doesn’t work, and it certainly won’t work in the long run unless perhaps the socialist group is nothing more than a small town or society with a homogeneous population, small enough to take care of its old and sick like they would with family, which makes a lot of sense in a town because everyone is already related to each other. So it’s one big happy family. In fact, I hope you will please consider all of this and think about it.


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