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student resume

The challenge for any student or graduate when compiling a student CV may simply be how to fill in the gaps when you don’t yet have the level of experience an employer may be looking for. Don’t be discouraged, be creative. You can still create a very impressive and professional resume by following a very simple resume format to help you stand out from the many job seekers and graduates.

There can be literally thousands of students and graduates applying for the same graduate level position or looking to start their chosen career path.

You might consider using a student or graduate CV if:

– You are still in school, college or university
– You have recently completed a full-time course

The lack of practical work experience can be a challenge for college graduates. Focusing on academic achievements, demonstrated skills, and job placements allows you to show that you have professional strengths and skills without highlighting your lack of formal work experience. Your student CV should reflect this and, more importantly, highlight not only your academic achievements, but also reveal the practical skills you have learned and applied in your studies.

By also including a marketing statement, you can create a synergy with your academic strengths and personal attributes that gives a potential employer a sense of your initiative and enthusiasm for embarking on your chosen path.

The most important things to include on your student resume and professional resume should include:

– Key skills and abilities you have developed while studying
– Your education, including achievements that demonstrate your skills and abilities
– Personal attributes and examples showing how you have applied these attributes
– The internships that you have carried out as part of your studies.
– Any volunteer position that demonstrates your skills and attributes
– A written testimonial demonstrating your ability to transition from study to full-time work

Just like creating any type of professional resume and especially the case with a student resume, make sure your resume design is simple and effective. A simple resume will be clear and concise and should not be longer than 2-3 pages. If it does, it may simply be that too much information has been shared. To keep it a functional resume, be sure to include only the key information above in your resume design.

Just remember that even if you lack hands-on work experience, DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! Many employers will see your application as an opportunity for someone with the right work ethic and drive to join their mission and bring a young, fresh and exciting new perspective to the business. That’s why it’s so important that it doesn’t overwhelm the reader by trying too hard to sell themselves with a barrage of information, but is, in fact, a functional resume that shares your enthusiasm to enter your chosen career path and begin your journey.

We wish you all the success in your next steps towards your future!


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