the source of revolution

Legal Law

success is subjective

Each of us has a desire to achieve something in life. Some of these desires are unique to each individual, while others are common to us. Most of us like to be rich, to have an important position in society or we want to have our dream house, job or life partner.

When we have someone else who has any of the items we have on our wish list, we conclude that they are a successful person and we envy them. But who is qualified to decide on the achievements on the road to success? It is the person who has to experience this success and no one else. An outsider doesn’t have enough knowledge about a person’s true agenda/desires (since these are personal and rarely made public), so any comment made about it isn’t really relevant.

If you win a jackpot by chance, others may perceive you as a successful person. But what about you? Do you feel the sense of accomplishment when you hit the jackpot?

A reward or prize is given by others as they see fit or is an expression of value they place on you. It has nothing to do with your desire(s).

Success can only be measured/evaluated in context with the desires we have to achieve something. But most of the time the desires are not focused and clarity is absent despite the rich contents (of desires).

Each of us has a wish list or bag where the contents are dynamic (it changes over time and the situation/experience). These desires are responsible for pushing us in many directions or motivating us to do the required work.

Consciously or unconsciously, we continue to work on our desires and turn them into goals to be achieved. Goals are desires refined with clarity and quantification. It is against these goals that one must measure success.

If I set a goal for myself (whether declared to the outside world or not) to run 100 meters daily in 15 seconds, here is an example of a clear failure on my part:

1. Run 99.99 meters or less on any day.

2. Running irregularly (not sticking to the daily routine decided at the finish line) even if it is 1000 meters some days.

3. Complete a 100 meter race in 14.59 seconds on any given day.

If you’re having trouble achieving success, consider the following suggestions:

  1. Each goal is unique and should be treated with context and meaning as perceived by you, “the creator of that goal.”
  2. The goal(s) is/are fully achieved or completely abandoned. Sometimes amending or modifying the goal(s) is okay in light of reality or changed circumstances. But if you modify too much, then it’s time to examine and improve your belief system or beliefs instead of feeling guilty.
  3. Our target list is dynamic, not static. On the one hand, you will be achieving your goals set by you, on the other hand, new goals will be added due to wishes. Enjoy the dynamics of this list and keep it alive.
  4. Within our target list, items have positions and priorities attached to them. You, the owner of that list, can change this position and priority. Be aware and judicious in this process of change.
  5. Be passionate about your goals. It is your personal property. Examine and modify as necessary. Why wait for someone else in the world to take an interest in him?
  6. Just as we judge and criticize others, from time to time you also judge and criticize yourself. Evaluate your performance and plan to make the schemes work better next time.



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