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Legal Law

Technology in the legal sector

It’s safe to say that we are firmly in 2018 now, and the first month of this year has been filled with new technology that is bound to change the way we live our day-to-day lives. Not only has it changed the way we live our lives, it has also changed many different sectors of business.

As technology advances at this rate, we should probably look at what this means for the legal sector. Companies around the world are embracing and investing in new technologies to effectively compete with the rest of the competition. Not only do they need to use this technology to compete with other companies, but customers increasingly want technology engagement in all business sectors. In this regard, the legal sector lags far behind, but is recovering rapidly.

According to SEO experts, voice searches are expected to take over. With Siri and Alexa already setting the bar high, voice search is expected to account for 50% of online searches by 2020. You may be wondering how this may affect the legal industry. Because a quarter of all voice searches are for local information, people are likely to seek information about local attorneys. This means that law firms will need to ensure that their websites and online presence are tailored to be found this way. Law firms will be used to optimizing your page for traditional searches by now, SEO for voice will be slightly different. It is worth finding out what the difference is and how to prepare.

Law firms should also expect to get used to the idea of ​​automated technology. The Law Society has predicted that this type of technology will fill more than 67,000 jobs in the legal sector by the year 2038. Although many people worry that this means they will lose their jobs, they must remember the positive aspects of this. Machines can take on much of the legal work that often slows down law firm employees and thus makes them more efficient and better able to take on important jobs. Automating the service will help increase productivity and help law firms take on more and more work, without any additional effort for their employees. This means that you should expect an increase in the number of cases law firms take on, as well as the number they do in an advisory capacity.

Virtual and augmented reality is fast becoming commonplace in many other industries, but it is a piece of technology that law firms do not seem to have embraced yet. However, all of this could change, with the legal sector finally incorporating this technology. It is expected that virtual and augmented reality will be used to help with customer engagement and engagement. Law firms are also expected to be able to use this type of technology to assist with staff recruitment and training. It means that training sessions can be delivered via AR or VR and will not take the employee out of the office for as long as if they were going to train. This will help reduce costs and ensure that people receive comprehensive and effective training.

SEO is changing all the time, and 2018 will see even more changes in this piece of technology. Artificial intelligence or AI means that they can answer users’ search queries with just the first few words. This is known as predictive search and it already exists, but in 2018 this technology is expected to be more advanced and can better guess what the user wanted to search. This means that law firms can be excluded from the competition before the user has had a chance to search for them.


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