the source of revolution


The workplace and careers in the 21st century

This article is written for Baby Boomers, Gen X, and beyond! When we all grew up, they told us, go to school, get a good education and life will be great and we’ll have everything we need. Now, I’d like to challenge some of this, because a lot of people have done it and they’ve also found that when they hit their 40s and 50s, they get laid off and have to re-enter the job market. I want everyone reading this not to get too deep into what I’m saying. Everyone needs to be educated and we can all learn and we need that for all the foundations of our future. Now, in 1990, in the United States, we heard of a little man that a lot of people liked but laughed at. Now that we can look back especially now at 2009, we’re not laughing, we’re crying. That little man was Ross Perot and he had made a career of becoming President of the United States.

Many of us who had good jobs thought we were so secure, but now we look back and find ourselves not so secure. Ross Perot talked about jobs in the United States going away and there would be a giant sucking sound. In the last 12 years and even before they started moving jobs out of the US to countries where they could get cheaper labor. We were the manufacturing capital of the world, and then we got to the place where we bring technology to our customers. Now that we started in January 2009, manufacturing is taking place in countries like Mexico, Japan, Korea and China. Technology services are being carried out in China, Japan, India, Brazil and the Russian Federation. This is causing unemployment to rise in the US and the economy is in the toilet. The people in the United States are waiting for President Obama and Congress to bail us out, to bail out the auto industry, the housing industry, and the financial industry. But why? Do we need someone who will always take us by the hand to use our education for our benefit?

Is it wise to be a fisherman and feed a man for a day, or is it better to teach that man to fish to feed him for a lifetime? I sat down with a neighbor the other day for breakfast. We are both very business oriented and talk about where we want to be in 2009. Rick has retired from his career, now driving a bus for the local school district to supplement his retirement. Rick and his wife Diane started their own business making pins and patches. It was Christmas and they had a secret Santa at their bus station. Rick didn’t know the man, so he made him a little pin. Rick has debated with me about my business theories, but he had to admit that he understood what he was saying. I told him word of mouth advertising is best as long as you provide your customers with a quality product that satisfies a want, need, or desire. When the man received this pin, his fellow bus drivers saw it and wanted it. He told them to contact Rick to get them. Now all the bus drivers speak at school sporting events and some saw the work Rick had done. And they also referred the drivers to Rick and Diane. Now let me ask you a question, what jump-started the Pins and Patches business? How many new customers did Rick and Diane have to find? Well, they didn’t really find any new customers. The man at the bus station actually started a viral market that will pay off Diane and Rick for a long time to come, as the pin is now used as a name tag for bus drivers. This was the network that did the marketing for the pins and patches. So why do people run when you tell them you’re a network marketer or thinking of becoming one? What comes to your mind when you hear MLM or multi level marketing?

Most will say that when they hear network marketing, they think of pyramids. What is your definition of a pyramid? It’s where the person at the top of a business can’t do anything and get all the profits and it’s about getting people to wire money and get nothing. That is why they are illegal. The government has checks on all businesses and does checks and balances on these businesses to make sure they are shut down before they can start. Now when you talk to a “Network Marketer” or someone with a “multi level marketing business” one question to ask them is are you getting paid to bring people into your business or are you getting paid based on the company’s products that are moving? from the shelves or a service where you get something for money? Do you have to belong to the company to get value from the company, or can you simply be a consumer of the products? If you need to be a part of the company to buy, and the company has no customers, then you are looking at a pyramid. If you can have customers and you don’t have to be part of the company to buy the products, then you have found a legitimate business. Now the next question you would ask the person you are talking to, can I make more money than you based on my efforts? Again, if you can, you’re in a good place. I laughed the other day, because I was talking to someone who works with one of the car companies and he joked that they own their own dealership, that they are responsible for finding their own customers and advertising, but they said that the car company can still make more money than them and the efforts they put in can be more than the company. I said that was partially true, but they provide the products and labor, so yes, the company can make more. They shared with me that they had a holding company and actually owned multiple dealerships and that one dealer’s income did not control what the other dealerships did.

Now, back to racing in the 21st century. During the 2008 US elections, we heard “Wall Street to Main Street” and “Joe the Plumber.” Now, if you haven’t had Kool-Aid and believe all the electoral crap, we know that it doesn’t matter if Perot won the election in the ’90s or Obama won the election in 2008, there is little the president controls. Yes, it sets the tone for management. The problem that I saw with Ross Perot, even though he was a big fan of his, was that he wanted to run government like a business. Well, the President can’t do that and the only thing Obama can control is setting the tone in Congress on taxes and policy, but it’s really up to Congress what passes. If they tax small businesses and give full tax breaks to large corporations, it will kill the economy. However, it would be one thing to allow companies to make sure they get tax breaks to keep jobs here. It may happen, but it may not happen. Many workers have already lost faith in the corporations they are working with. It really started with the fall of Enron and World Com. Now, remember the auto industry bailouts. What will happen is we may see the UAW fold. If you don’t, the vehicles and cost will never catch up with your foreign competition. Now, if we put a cap on the income of working people, we will lose the American Dream of getting ahead. You can’t count on big brother to take care of you and your family and where you have the income to live a long and happy retirement. We are also facing a huge shock here where the economy is today. The main problem is our medical coverage. Many companies are cutting insurance and driving people out of the United States. More workers have been laid off, and now they have to finance their health care and some are not in a prime position to negotiate the best rates. Many will have to rely on the government and are you prepared to be told where or when you can get medical help? Well, these problems are bigger if you don’t do anything to help yourself and your dreams.

Careers in the 21st century

Let’s talk about racing. We have become users and buyers of products, services and technology. so what are your options? A book by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH, talks about the problems we have today. The middle class is disappearing. Soon, you will be in the lower or upper class. Now, the statistic is somewhat worrying where 95% of the population around the world will be in the lower class and 5% will be in the upper class. So what’s the difference here? 5% are business owners and will have businesses that provide residual products and services. Now, you could own your own electric company or gas company. But where are some of the other things? We all travel, we all take care of our personal and health needs. If we don’t, it will really be the downfall of the world. This is not meant to scare you into not doing anything. It’s to motivate you to take off your blinders like horses have and see what’s going on. Did you know that blinders keep a horse on a path from seeing the big picture? One of the biggest careers will be in marketing in the 21st century. You know you don’t need to go to college for it, and most of us do it naturally? When was the last time you went to the movies and told someone to watch the movie or told someone it was the worst? When did you go for dinner and did you love the restaurant? When did you go on vacation and love it and tell people they needed to go there? When have you tried a product that didn’t meet your needs and told others that the product was a failure?

Ok, now you see that we are all sellers. If you have a product and you love it, you can be a marketer. This saves companies advertising dollars and I bet you trust your loved ones more than the TV advertiser telling you what the company wants you to believe. Now, many of the big corporations have not learned this. As the 2009 Super Bowl approaches, take a look at how much companies will pay for advertising! Most of us run to get something to eat that we already bought because we love them, or we run to the bathroom. We will all talk and market advertising more than we actually care about the products.

Now, how can you become a business owner and benefit from a product that satisfies a need, a want, and a desire? Most companies won’t pay you for their advertising! But wait. There are many companies that we have all been warned about that have great products that meet our wants, needs, and desires. They will pay you because you have moved their products. Wouldn’t your friends and family who enjoy the same products want to get paid to tell people about the product you’re hooked on? Sure, but the company should also provide you with money to find them sellers and move their products. This is Network Marketing. You can be a Network Marketer and there are people like me who will teach you everything you need to know about finding a product that meets the needs, wants and desires of your customers and can also get you paid. Just contact me and I will help you. My phone number is 877-501-6263.


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