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Using Pizza Magnets to Increase Repeat Sales

Pizza magnets are now a popular and commonly used item for repeat sales at many pizza restaurants that offer takeout services. However, not just any old magnet will do the job; You need to make sure your pizza magnet is perfect for your business in order to get the most out of this handy little advertising gem. Here are some of the best tips to ensure your pizza magnets are doing the best job they can of retaining customers.

1. Make sure all orders come with a refrigerator magnet. It doesn’t matter if the customer already has one, they can give it to a friend, family member, or stick it on the office fridge. If each order has a fridge magnet to complement it, customers will feel special and valued because they will receive a small gift with their meal. It will also mean that the next time they want pizza they will think of your business and the fridge magnet with your number on it.


2. Make sure your magnet accurately reflects your business. It’s not good to have an ice cream magnet for a pizzeria or a fish magnet for a steakhouse. Make sure your magnet tells the customer exactly what your business has to offer without going into the extensive details of a menu. For pizzerias, that means getting a magnet that’s in the shape of a pizza or slice of pizza, or possibly even an Italian flag or other popular dish. Whatever your main seller is, turn it into a fridge magnet.


3. Keep it simple. The shape of your magnet should tell the customer what it is you do, so don’t try to cram too much information into your fridge magnet. Give the customer three things on your magnet: 1 – What you do, using a magnet that is in the shape of your best food vendor. 2 – Why they should get it from you by adding “Free Delivery” or “10% off pizza” as an incentive. 3 – How to get what they want by adding your business phone number in large, clear numbers. This will cover everything you need your fridge magnet to say in 2-3 words and a phone number. All of this will tell the customer what food you make, how they can get it, why they should get it, and also keep it simple, fast, and convenient.


4. Order your pizza magnets in bulk. This will save you time, effort and money and will also ensure that customers always receive a pizza magnet with their order or upon request. You can also deliver pizza magnets to nearby offices and commercial buildings to maximize your potential customer exposure. Ordering in bulk will mean you save money on your order and shipping costs, as well as ensure that you never leave empty-handed. This will also mean you’ll have plenty of fridge magnets to go around so that each of your customers, both takeout and dine-in, can get a pizza magnet and are more likely to contact you again for future orders.


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