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The world is your oyster! Protection through a certified travel clinic

There are tons of things we can do in this world for fun. There’s ping pong, badminton or a high-octane afternoon of paintball, but there’s nothing like exploring another country. Traveling is one of the most exciting things to do. If you’re a couch potato, you might be satisfied with watching an episode of Globe Trekker, but if you’re not, then just the real thing will suffice. Never forget that a visit to a certified travel clinic should be at the top of your to-do list when planning a trip abroad.

For those who have never been abroad, it is difficult to explain the sublime beauty of watching a sunset on a Caribbean beach or walking through a mountain pass surrounded by strange flora and fauna. If you have been abroad, then we are preaching to the choir. Nothing compares to the sweet smell of morning dew upon waking up in a bed and breakfast on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland or the amazing locations of Rome or Greece. For all the beauty in the world, there is also the danger that lies in wait for each and every world traveler. Only a certified travel clinic doctor can explain the dangers that potentially await you at your destination.

What do you need protection for, you may ask? It’s not like you were traveling the silk road around 1500 and needed to escape roaming bands of marauders and thieves. This is true, however, there are other types of dangers one must guard against at this time. One of them is disease. In many countries around the world, the diseases we have conquered in the United States continue to wreak havoc among the native population. Yellow fever is one such disease and a good reason to visit a certified travel clinic before takeoff.

When it comes to health statistics, you can’t get a better source than the World Health Organization. The WHO estimates that yellow fever causes more than 200,000 illnesses a year and more than 30,000 deaths. This is a lot of people and one that should pay a visit to a cert travel clinic common sense. What exactly is yellow fever and where are you most at risk of contracting it? Caused by a virus, yellow fever is a serious disease and remains a great danger to the native population and visitors from countries in the Caribbean, Africa, South America, and Central America. Yellow fever derives its name from the jaundice-like symptoms an infected person suffers from. Other symptoms include fever, vomiting blood, liver, kidney, respiratory and other organ failure that can easily lead to death. If you plan to visit any of the following areas, a visit to a certified travel clinic is highly recommended.

• Argentina
• Bolivia
• Brazil
• Columbia
• Ecuador
• French Guiana
• Guyana
• Panama
• Paraguayan
• Peru
• Suriname
• Trinidad and Tobago
• Eastern and southern African countries

Visiting a certificate travel doctor since a protective vaccine against yellow fever, and many other diseases, makes a lot of sense for anyone traveling the world in general. Remember, as dangerous as traveling can be seen in some circles today, in the past things were much more threatening. Today, with the help of a certified travel clinic, one can visit any corner of the world in complete safety knowing that they have done everything necessary to protect themselves from the scourges that still exist. And with that knowledge, have a safe and wonderful experience, one that will be shared with friends and family forever.


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