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Tips to keep your teen driver safe on the road

Although it seems like the day would never come, your baby is now a teenager and will soon be a licensed driver. Road safety is a vital part of driver education, and lessons shouldn’t stop once your teen has an official driver’s license. It is important to instill the highest knowledge of driving and road safety to protect your loved ones from devastating car accidents. Read on for some important tips to teach your teen about driving safely.

Car accidents are not only physically devastating; They can also be financially and emotionally distressing and cause lifelong damage. Hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, permanent disfigurement, prolonged physical therapy, and even wrongful death are just a few of the consequences that can result from a devastating car accident.

There are 3 “no’s” that all drivers must follow, regardless of age or driving experience. By following these practices, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others when driving on the road. These three “don’ts” include no speeding, no rushing, and no distraction.

No speeding – Although vehicles are designed to reach high speeds, this does not mean that you should never reach such speeds while driving. Teach your teen to always obey the speed limit so that you always have more control of your vehicle. Speeding can cause a driver to lose control and crash into trees, structures, or other vehicles. This can jeopardize the safety of your teen, as well as that of other drivers. In fact, you may want to encourage your teen driver to stay out of the “fast lane” on highways to avoid aggressive drivers and those who are speeding.

No tailgating – Tailgating is a form of aggressive driving, whether you are irritated with the driver in front of you or you are late for school. It is a behavior that can cause serious accidents at high speeds. At lower speeds tailgating can result in destructive fender hits, which can cause serious neck and head injuries, such as whiplash. Teach your child to maintain a safe distance between vehicles at all times.

No distractions – Teens (and adults) have phones, music, mirrors, and all kinds of distractions in their vehicles. Be sure to teach them that texting and driving is unacceptable, or diverting their attention from the road even for a few seconds. Instruct them that driving should be your main goal and your only priority; not checking emails or social media, putting on lip gloss, or changing radio stations. Accidents happen in seconds.

In contrast to the “don’ts”, there are also 3 “do’s” that are equally important. These include signage, staying away from aggressive drivers, and keeping the interior of your car clean.

Always signal – Turn signals and hazard lights are not optional. They are vital to safe driving because they let other drivers and pedestrians know what your intentions are on the road. Accidents happen all the time because drivers don’t use their turn signals when changing lanes or entering a parking lot. Be sure to teach your teen driver to always use turn signals.

Always avoid aggressive drivers – Examples of aggressive drivers are those who speed up, stop, cut drivers off, change lanes frequently, try to provoke other drivers by revving their engines, drive in anger, or try to fuel a conflict. These types of drivers are incredibly dangerous and teens should know to stay away from them at all costs. If you see an aggressive driver, teach them not to react and to change lanes safely or stop to get away from them.

Always keep your interior clean – This advice may seem silly considering that the interior of a car does not seem to influence driving safety, but it does. Trash can accumulate in a vehicle and potentially become a driving hazard. For example, a loose water bottle can roll under the brake pedal and cause the driver to have a serious accident. Even dust and slowness can cause safety problems if drivers have an allergic reaction, such as watery eyes, itching, or violent sneezing. Certainly, a few sneezes can jeopardize a driver’s alertness on the road.

Was Your Teen Negligently Injured In A Car Accident?

If your teen was recently involved in a car accident that was not their fault and suffered injuries as a result, it is strongly recommended that you contact an experienced car accident injury attorney for professional advice regarding your rights to compensation for the your family’s expenses. incurred damages and losses.


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