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Digital Marketing

Urgent: Read This Article Before Paying For An Email Marketing List To Avoid Getting Burned

Building email marketing from scratch requires a significant investment of time and money. Marketers should create a highly targeted capture page and then promote the newsletter as much as possible to drive traffic to the capture page. Getting an email marketing campaign up and running can take weeks or even months, simply because getting subscribers on the list takes so much time.

Due to the challenges of developing a database of targeted email addresses, many marketers choose to launch their campaign with a purchased list. You can buy email lists for almost any niche market, with costs that vary dramatically depending on the size and quality of the database. Below is the information you need to know before you invest in a listing so you get the best return on your investment.

Buy in bulk to get a better price

Some email database vendors will offer discounts to buyers who purchase a larger list. In many cases, you can save significantly by paying for more subscriber email addresses. Before making a wholesale purchase; however, please purchase a test list to test its responsiveness.

Don’t choose a list just because it’s cheap

Don’t make a decision about your listing based solely on price. Sometimes the best lists sell for next to nothing, while worthless lists sell for a premium. Do your homework and make sure the list is appropriate for your campaign purpose. There is no point in paying for an email list if subscribers are not interested in what you have to sell!


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