the source of revolution


When good men do nothing: speaker Boehner asleep at the wheel

There is a time when good men must stand up and say enough is enough. Today, with new government scandals coming to light every day, I thought the time had come to see this happen and, like so many like me, I turned to the good people we chose to see if they would be those good men.

House Speaker John Boehner once again fell short of that occasion, instead stepping back into the shadows to become an observer, as has been his custom in recent years. As more and more facts about the massive abuses of power emanating from the White House come to light, President Boehner becomes less and less involved in the leadership process and more in the concealment process.

It really shouldn’t be surprising, during the Obamacare debate, instead of leading the charge to withdraw funding as most conservatives have called for, President Boehner seized the opportunity to raise the white flag and called it the law of the land. , seeking to appease the president as the people of this nation are sacrificed on the altar of the greatest waste this nation has ever seen.

In the fiscal cliff confrontation, once again President Boehner backed down and gave ground, when conservatives across the country called for resolve and strength, President Boehner ran and hid, only getting to speak after a popular backlash against his unspoken attempts. leadership course.

At all times, instead of taking a stand and taking bold action, President Boehner has bowed down and abandoned the fight to represent the will of the people who put him in office to protect their interests.

And more recently, amid unprecedented evidence that the misuse of power is becoming rampant in nearly every branch of the current administration, President Boehner refuses to comment and once again takes a back seat. in the debate. “When good men do nothing …” is a good catchphrase or sound bite, but spokesperson Boehner seems to be making it his life’s work …

Speaker Boehner has become a laughingstock; a clown dancing to whatever tune moves his feet, ducking and dodging every opportunity to show strength or integrity. Leadership, the Republican Party does not have and it shows; as they struggle to find direction and focus and continually fight each other as the White House tramples the constitution at every turn with apparent impunity.

Good men and women are certainly doing nothing; unfortunately, many of them are your elected officials.

Just my view from the cheap seats.


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