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Health Fitness

Why every pregnant woman needs to see a dietitian

Pregnancy is a period in which a woman’s body undergoes a series of significant changes, all caused by the fact that a baby is growing inside her. It is at this time that a woman’s dietary needs change and are greatly influenced by the needs of her body and those of the growing fetus. Women who have been through a pregnancy talk about some of the dietary urges they feel during this period. Scientists have become interested in these cravings as they seek to understand what causes them and what effect they have on the baby.

This research has become quite urgent as the demand for high-risk maternity services has increased significantly in the last decade. This is a facility that caters to the needs of women whose pregnancies are a danger to their health. Pregnancies are often life threatening to the woman due to pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes on her part. Therefore, it has become necessary for the medical community to understand what impact diet has on a pregnancy. This is what they have found.

Development Needs Override Sustenance Needs

One reason a pregnant woman’s food cravings can be so intense is that the needs of the developing fetus override those of her own sustenance. In simple terms, this means that her body will put the baby’s needs far above her own. The best way to plan for this is for the woman to see a dietitian who can help her develop an appropriate diet plan for pregnancy. This diet plan will take into account the needs of the growing fetus along with those of the mother to ensure that both are addressed.

High-risk maternity cases can be better managed with proper diet

The impact of diet is not just limited to the health of the fetus. The impact of a proper pregnancy diet plan is that it can reduce the risk that any pregnancy carries. This is even more pronounced in the case of a high-risk pregnancy. Women who have a pre-existing medical condition, such as high blood pressure, can lower their risk of pregnancy by eating the right foods.

These findings provide an unequivocal push for pregnant women to see a dietician sooner rather than later.


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