the source of revolution


Various types of loans available for startups

Getting financial help can be difficult for small businesses. Therefore, loans are a great way out. Some of the loans are beneficial for new businesses, while others are more suitable for well-established businesses. There are various types of loans available…

Insurance Wrecked My Car: What This Means

“Your vehicle is a Total Loss.” These words, in most cases, generate an immediate controversy between an insured and his insurance company. The main cause of controversy between an insurance company and an insured regarding total loss is that most…

Three Special Types of Business Plans

Although it has undergone many changes, the business plan still exists. No longer limited to the traditional 12-15 page typewritten document, a business plan can be exciting and engaging, as well as useful. Many of us realize that it is…


How Does Carbon Credit Trading Work?

Carbon Credit Trading Work A cap and trade system, also known as an ETS (Emissions Trading System) market, is one of the major mechanisms used by governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It allows polluters to get a price on…

Debit and Credit: Double Entry Accounting Method

In accounting parlance, the left side of an account is called debit side. Therefore, an account with entries to the left greater than entries to the right is said to have a debit balance. The following accounts typically have debit…

20 reasons to lease equipment

There are numerous benefits to leasing, a method of financing equipment that has been popular for many years. It provides some unique benefits over conventional bank financing or an outright purchase, and here are 20 reasons to lease equipment. 1….

Things to consider before buying your geothermal heat pump

If you are in the process of selecting a ground source heat pump to install on your property, here are some things to consider. First, how energy efficient is the heat pump? There are two measures to consider: the COP…


What is the purpose of insurance services in sudan?

purpose of insurance services in sudan Health services in Sudan are provided by a number of institutions, including government, private and military medical services. A major goal of the country is to achieve universal health coverage, but this is still…

Yokozuna, Haku-Ho, Japanese Sumo saved

It started from an article in a Japanese magazine. The article reported that Japanese sumo wrestlers committed an illegal baseball game offense provided by a Japanese organized crime group. Some of them are high-ranking fighters; including Oozeki (second highest rank)…

The 3C Process of the Law of Attraction

The 3C Process is the secret that makes The Secret work. The 3C simply stands for CHOOSE, CLAIM and CONNECT. By understanding ‘The 3C Process’, you will understand how creation actually works in our three dimensional world, you will understand…