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Dating Men – How To Stop Finding Jerks

The thing about idiots is that they don’t all show themselves the first time you meet them. Not everyone comes to you with cheap aftershave and rude lines. So you can often be on a third or fifth date before the signs start to show.

So the scenario is, there you are, determined in your quest to find and date men. You meet a guy, he takes you on a date. He’s cute, he says nice things and he seems like Mr. Perfect. So since everything is going so well and he even bought you chocolates and flowers, I guess this means it must be time for sex.

Then something happens, it stops calling altogether. Or he keeps seeing you but blows hot and cold. You never know when he’s going to be loving and sweet or distant and cold. He only seems to want to see you if the sex is conjoined. He starts criticizing your performance in bed and even mentions (whispers) your weight!

Cracks begin to appear and he begins to be rude to you, especially in public.

These scenarios are played countless times by the same type of guys and the woman wonders why she keeps attracting these types of immature jerks. The other thing is that the woman begins to wonder what is wrong with her. ITS when these unions continuously develop in the same way, without questioning the behavior of man.

The way to stop attracting these idiots is to learn to better control the situation. Sex should never happen until you are sure of the person you share the bed with. If you insist that he wait when YOU are ready and he’s an idiot, his idiocy will show its ugly face, he won’t be able to help it.

If you’re running the show in terms of how late you choose to stay out, controlling the decision of when you have sex, and in charge of whether you want to be mutilated in public by her drooling lips, this will highlight her idiocy nice and early for you. He will not like it. Idiots have no style, class or patience.

The reason idiots don’t reveal themselves in time is because women don’t set standards. She allows herself to be dragged in step with the man. While he is trying to have sex, she will be sweet. Once that is achieved, there is no need to stay or act like a gentleman. He has your number! It becomes a vicious circle because the woman allows the man to keep visiting her in the hope that easy sex will put him in a good mood and endear him to her. she will not

It’s just sex.


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