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Laptop Batteries and Battery Backup

You are very busy working on the laptop and there is no power outlet nearby. You are now working on battery power and the battery indicator shows “battery low” or “battery low, please turn off computer or it will go into hibernation”. Is this familiar? How many times have you been in this situation, where you had no choice but to turn off your laptop, due to low battery? or how many times have you faced the situation where your laptop shuts down due to low battery? How long have you been using your laptop batteries? It might be time for you to get a new laptop battery.

If you’ve been using your laptop for a long time and haven’t changed the batteries even once yet, and if your backup time has dropped considerably, it’s time to go out and buy new laptop batteries. Laptop batteries generally only last about 4 years. Laptops quickly lose their charm when you no longer have a good battery backup; Your laptop may just look like a UPS computer, if that’s the case. New laptop batteries are definitely worth the price you pay for them.

Laptop batteries come in different specifications. There are 12-cell batteries that offer very good battery backup, and there are 9-cell laptop batteries, 8-cell batteries, 6-cell batteries, 4-cell batteries, and also 3-cell batteries. Also, battery designs vary by manufacturer. Each manufacturer has a different type of battery and therefore laptop batteries are manufacturer specific. For example, you can’t use a Dell laptop battery with an HP laptop or vice versa.

If you don’t intend to buy a battery and want to extend the life of your old batteries, there are a few things you can do as well. Although a new laptop battery would definitely be a better option, you can always use the old ones until they are completely depleted. Some of the useful tips are: defrag your hard drives regularly, don’t always use bright screen – dim your screen if you can, reduce the number of programs running in the background as this will make the CPU work harder and in turn , make more use of the laptop’s batteries, run your programs and videos from your hard drive instead of CD drives, add more RAM to the laptop if possible. These are just a few suggestions that can keep you going, until you go out and buy your new laptop batteries.


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