the source of revolution

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Don’t be afraid to show your personality on Facebook

Social media has allowed us entrepreneurs to start businesses at minimal cost and spread our message to thousands more people than we otherwise could. But, in the process, one must be careful not to only Post about your business. When…

Can you lose your job just for expressing your opinions? What about freedom of expression?

America has places where the First Amendment doesn’t seem to exist. Take work, for example. As explained here, if you express controversial opinions in a way that makes your boss look bad, you may find yourself out of a job….

Give more style to your kitchen

For many people, the kitchen is the center of the home. It’s the commonplace that people naturally tend to gravitate to; after all, that is where the food is! With this in mind, it is important to make your kitchen…

Data science and data analysis: importance and necessity

Data science has revolutionized the world. We are all aware that there is something about data science that sets it apart and makes being a data scientist one of the best jobs of the 21st century. Importance of data science…

Natural way to relieve hemorrhoids with fruits and juices

Many have found that eating chili peppers can cause a burning sensation in the anus or rectum. Therefore, they suggest avoiding eating chili if you have hemorrhoids. Well, it is advisable to avoid it if you have a severe or…

physical fitness first

Whatever your reasons, it is to be commended, but how exactly does one go about getting in shape? Well here are some suggestions to improve your physical health and lifestyle. With each suggestion there are advantages and disadvantages, some will…

Security guard post orders

Post orders are all the rules that security guards must follow at any post. Without postal warrants, officers simply don’t know what to do, what is expected of them, and there is no accountability. Many positions that hire security personnel…

WARNING: The 3 BEST Past Life Myths (and the ONE Truth You Shouldn’t Ignore)

Are past lives real? Does everyone who remembers living before have memories of being rich, famous, or someone super important? Are most people who remember past lives dysfunctional adults? And is hypnosis the BEST way to remember past lives, or…

Buffett – Don’t Buy Stocks Just Because They’re Undervalued

Buffett, like many other big investors, tends to be very picky: he avoids the temptation to buy a stock that looks attractive at the time. Any stock can have potential value if the price is right, but Buffett isn’t fooled…

mountain music

I came across this work by Lama Govinda this morning and wanted to share it. Lama was born in 1898 in Germany and founded the Pali Tibetan Buddhist order. He spent his life teaching and lecturing in India, and in…