the source of revolution


The royal state of the union

With the onslaught of Global Warming striking destruction and fear, the United States faces increasing challenges with each passing month. The severity of weather patterns around the world has only intensified the urgency for humanity to face the most pivotal point in our history. The forces of denial have already accelerated the point of no return. With the clock ticking and time running out, it is essential that a cool head prevail. Yet these climate change deniers cling to their convictions that all is well. But, as nature’s wrath shakes a divided nation, millions of people are continually thrown into a hell of hopelessness and despair.

Today, the scientific community has sounded the alarm that the planet has at most 12 years left before irreversible damage is done to all forms of life worldwide. As we are seeing right now with scorching heat and violent storms that continue to wipe out homes, businesses, lives, and livelihoods right here in the US, while other parts of the world face one catastrophe after another, all are reminders that climate change is one of the most serious threats to all life. Now is the time and we better act to reduce and eliminate the effects of what fossil fuels have done and are doing to our world before it really is too late.

With the advent of hurricane season coinciding with the severity and frequency of violent tornadoes and flash flooding throughout the Midwestern and Central United States, the billions of dollars in damage with an already crippled economy makes it clear that it needs decisive action now to deny the root causes that have put the United States in such great danger. Our continued use of fossil fuels has not only fueled the catastrophic weather patterns that have caused the highest point of desalination in the world’s oceans, but the economic policies of not only the Trump Administration, but previous administrations as well, have dramatically increased the number of Americans who never achieved the American goal. Dream.

While the media continues to focus on how well the economy is doing, but beneath this facade of all is well lies a mounting spate of economic catastrophe that would make the 2008 financial crisis look like a picnic. The news that is not reported, I bet for obvious reasons, is a far cry from what is actually reported by the mainstream media. In fact, there are several facts that state emphatically the opposite of what the media continues to report about the state of the US economy. When there are more than 137 million Americans facing severe financial hardship due to medical bills and each month more Americans filing for bankruptcy due to lack of health coverage and the high cost of health care is a sure sign that this country you need Medicare for all.

This is just the beginning of the financial rift in our fragile economy. A crack that is only getting bigger and very soon our entire economy will collapse on an unsuspecting public. All because the media is ignoring the facts or is intentionally leading the public away from the real state of our economy. With the retail industry continuing, its decline is more evident every week when there were more than 6,000 stores closing in the first half of this year alone. More shutdowns continue to show disturbing signs that all is not well with the US economy.

Today, 50% of our population cannot meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, drinking water and almost everything essential for daily life. Disposable income for more than 80% of the population is totally insufficient to cover the current cost of living. The media keeps reminding us that we have very low unemployment numbers, but what they don’t report is that America has over 100 million Americans who don’t have any jobs. Our once strong manufacturing base has only withered and died on the vine of all the corporate changes to outsource American jobs abroad. Farmers today are going bankrupt at a higher rate than in the 1970s. Consumer spending has fallen to an all-time low. All this only adds another dimension to the critical condition of nations.

When we add in Trump’s tariff wars, it has only increased and exasperated the crippling effects of our entire economic future. More pertinent is the fact that the future is truly in our hands, but we must act decisively now, not later, if we are to not only survive but thrive. There are ways to do just that, but first we have to realize how bad things have gotten and use a roadmap that spells out solutions to the many pressing crises of our time. That management plan is what is detailed in the Ten Articles of Confederation of the National Economic Reform and the National Economic Security Reform Act. And when both are implemented, this nation and the world will be solidified into a much brighter future for all.


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