the source of revolution

Digital Marketing

Your email autoresponder sequence or I have an email list, now what?

Ok, you’ve done a few things to get traffic and now you’ve collected a list of email addresses. Now what? The priority is to stay in touch with your list on a daily basis. So you’ll want to create an email sequence to send to your list.

As you build your list of email addresses, you should study the emails you receive from other marketers. As you study them, ask yourself, “What kind of subject lines are they using? How do they start their email? What information do they give you in their emails? And how do they address offers within the emails they send you.

As you study those emails and build up your own email list, start writing one email a day. The more emails you write, the better they are. Before long you’ll have a sequence of 10-20 emails to start sending.

You’ll want your email sequence to be weighted to have more “helpful information” emails and fewer emails that are just product offers. But even in ‘useful information’ emails you can still put a couple of links to your offers where they relate to the useful information you are providing. You should have links to your products in every email – send useful information and include those links.

You want them to look forward to your emails, so it’s important that you help them often enough that that’s what they expect to see: useful information. By doing this, they will be more likely to be viewed favorably and open your emails. And more importantly, they are more likely to act on your emails by clicking on the links and buying your product.

You can only expect two outcomes with a sales page alone: ​​a purchase (hooray!) or your prospect leaving the page, never to return (unfortunately, this will be the vast majority of your visitors).

By putting useful and actionable information in their inboxes with an autoresponder email sequence, you can remind them of the product they may have shown an interest in.

Remember that the first action you want them to take is to open your email so your subject line has a purpose: to entice them to open your email. Once opened, your main concern is to give them something that makes them want to read the email; it should be interesting enough for them to want to read more.

Also, the tone of your emails is very important. There can be no doubt in your mind that your main intention is to help them succeed. And so it should be, because the more successful they are with your information, the more they will buy from you.

Therefore, the content you are submitting should be directed towards specific ways the product you will be offering overcomes their challenges, the benefits of the product, and the pain they will no longer experience from having the product in their possession.

This should sound like information intended to help you with your challenges. It shouldn’t sound like a sales pitch. You’ll find a great resource for more information on this at

Always remember that you want to focus on how your product helps them overcome challenges, how it can make their lives easier and more enjoyable, and how it helps them avoid pain.

And avoid using the word “free” in your emails. There are still spam filters that will dump emails that use the word ‘free’ to the junk file before they can read the email.

Use these email strategies with those who have signed up for your free reports to provide them with additional information that will help them feel like they are missing out on something important if they don’t take advantage of your products and services. Do this and your emails will bring smiles to their faces and money to your pockets!


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